Masvingo residents have castigated the local authority for disconnecting water supplies without any warning.
Residents told Hevoi FM news that it was pointless for the local authority to disconnect water at a time they are crying foul over exorbitant water bills.
A Mucheke resident who spoke to HEVOI FM NEWS, said ‘it was disheartening to discover that the city fathers had started disconnecting water for residents without giving them any notice’.
“Surely council should have notified residents that they (council) was going to close their tapes because they had outstanding council bills,” lamented a resident.
Another resident said that they had already paying their bills through payment plans but still council went on and closed their tapes.
“We plead with council to understand us, life has been hard in the past that we could not afford our bills, we once went to council offices and were put on payment plans…. we were paying our outstanding bills every month through this payment plan but still they disconnected us,” another Mucheke resident told Hevoi Fm news.
When contacted for comment, the Mayor for Masvingo City Collen Maboke told Hevoi Fm news that only those with outstanding council bills accumulated from long back were disconnected from accessing the precious liquid.
“Residents disconnected from having water are those with outstanding bills accumulated from a longer period, residents came and had their payment plans but some were now failing. Those with challenges of paying should have come to council to say their issues,” Maboke said.