Teachers’ labour organizations have expressed mixed feelings over the reopening of schools
Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe president, Takavafira Zhou told Hevoi FM News that government must reopen schools in September when temperatures would be warmer.
“We are calling on the government to open schools in September as we believe we would be experiencing warmer weather. Right now the country is recording an increase in COVID 19 death rate and it is pointless to open school in winter,” said Zhou.
He added:
“Our view as PTUZ is that students must pursue studies through the online method while at home and at the same time government must ensure that the vaccination programme is intensified.”
On the other hand, Zimbabwe Teachers Association chief executive officer, Sifso Ndlovu said schools must be opened as a matter of urgency to allow learners to catch up.
“We are urging government to open schools to allow students, especially examination classes to catch up. This should be done under safe conditions.
Government must ensure that there is a very good vaccination programme for our educators and learners,” said Ndlovu.
Government yesterday said schools will remain closed while the Ministry of Health and Child Care is going to increase testing, with those companies in the private sector seeking commencement of operations expected to test their employees in accordance to the WHO guidelines.